May 29- June 4, Hendersonville (NC, Verenigde Staten): Workshop DREAMS AND PRAYER
Acknowledging dreams as a blessing from God, participants in this workshop will elaborate the connection between their own dreams and their own prayer practices in creative ways.
We will find inspiration in some modeling materials and explore some different types of prayer practices: with or without words, through bodily movements and more. We will take time to elaborate some elements of shared dreams into prayer-expressions.
May 29-June 4, Hendersonville (NC, Verenigde Staten): Workshop MANDALA MOTIFS IN DREAMS AS SIGNS OF THE SELF
In this workshop the ideas of Carl G. Jung will be presented regarding three specific types of symbols in dreams: a centre, a circle (or an element suggesting roundness)and the number four. Jung conceived of these ‘mandala motifs’ as signs of the Self and as markers of the individuation process. Next some helpful examples and practical guidelines will be offered for working with these motifs in your own dreams. There is time for participants to share their own dreams with mandala symbolism and reflect on their possible meaning.